Used Instruments
West Valley Music sells used instruments on consignment by arrangement with the store owner. If you would like to sell your used instrument through the store, bring the instrument in for us to assess the condition and value of the instrument. If both parties agree on a price and the terms of the consignment agreement, the instrument will be listed here and put on display in our store until it is sold.
Oboes/Bassoons Rigoutat Oboe Renard Oboe | $2300 $2650 |
Flutes/Piccolos | |
Sankyo 301 Flute Armstrong 104 Flute Gemeinhardt Flute Gold-plated Haynes Handmade,soldered toneholes, solid silver, in-line G,used Yamaha 481 Flute | $5000 $395 $500 $6000 $800 |
Haynes Flute **Used** | $1200 |
Jupiter 507 II **Used** | $350 |
Armstrong 102 **Used** | $295 |
Haynes Flute Professional C Foot Miyazawa 202 Flute | $8000 $3995 |
Clarinets | |
Buffet R13S Clarinet Buffet E11A Clarinet Jupiter 631 Clarinet **Used** Buffet E12F Clarinet Buffet Prestige A Clarinet Yamaha CSVR A Clarinet Buffet E11 Clarinet **Used** Yamaha 20 CLarinet | $1950 $1700 $295 $1200 $5000 $2700 $800 $295 |
Saxophones | |
| |
Buffet BC400 Baritone Saxophone | $4000 |
Buescher Aristocrat Tenor Saxophone | $800 |
Selmer Series II Baritone Saxophone | $8000 |
Cannonball AA-L Alto Sax New B-Stock Antigua Vosi Alto Saxophone Mauriat Tenor Saxophone Keilwerth Tenor Saxophone Conn Baritone Saxophone | $1125 $800 $3500 $2400 $2500 |
Horns | |
Jupiter JHR-752 Single Horn-new Holton H179 Yamaha 567 Double Horn | $1800 $3000 $2800 |
Trumpets, Cornets, Bugles, Flugelhorns | |
King Flair Trumpet | $1000 |
Bach Strad CML236 C Trumpet Yamaha 6610S Trumpet D/Eb w/both sets of slides Jupiter Trumpet OldsAmbassador Trumpet Yamaha 301S Baritone Bundy Trumpet Getzen Eterna 700 Trumpet King 601 Trumpet Conn 36B Trumpet | $1500 $1900 $295 $325 $1400 $295 $600 $275 $1000 |
Euphoniums/Tubas | |
Yamaha YBB321 | $5000 |
Trombones | |
Getzen 351 Trombone King 4B Trombone w/F attachment Shires ETB634G Trombone w/F attachment Yamaha YBL-613H Bass Trombone Conn Director Trombone | $750 $1300 $2500 $2000 $300 |
Orchestral Strings | |
Bunnel 1/10 Violin **New Outfit** Bunnel 1/10 Violin **New Outfit** S. Cao STV750 1/8 Violin Bay Fine Strings 1/2 Cello EH Roth 4/4 Violin Violin 1/2 Rudolph Deutsch 4/4 Cello Heaney 3/4 Violin Heaney 1/2 Violin German Cello 7/8 Heaney Violin 1/2 Violin 1/2 Scott Cao 12" Viola | $250 $250 $400 $750 $825 $300 $3500 $500 $400 $1100 $400 $400 $400 |
Scott/Huaming Violin 4/4 Violin 3/4 Vancik 4/4 Violin Scott Cao 1/2 Violin Gerhard Reinel 4/4 Cello Heaney Viola 13" Scott Cao STV017 1/2 Violin Yamaha V5 1/2 Violin Scott Cao STV017 1/2 Violin 3/4 Violin Eastman 200 4/4 Violin Bachmann 3/4 Violin Ken Su 250 Violin 1/2 S. Cao SCSV600Violin 3/4 Sono Strings 1/10 Violin Clark Violins Viola 14" | $800 $350 $3300 $400 $1100 $250 $400 $350 $500 $600 $595 $600 $550 $800 $400 $400 |
Heinrich-Hammig 4/4 Cello Bucharest Cello 3/4 | $1350 $1000 |
German 3/4 Violin Suzuki 1/4 Violin Violin 4/4 Eastman 200 16 1/2" Viola Pie-Shaped 4/4 Violin Scott Cao ST017 1/4 Violin **USED** Robelli 1/8 Violin Violin 1/4 Great Wall 4/4 Violin Scott Cao STV500 1/2 Violin Eastman 200 4/4 Violin Violin 4/4 Heaney HV200 4/4 Violin Kamimoto Cello 4/4 Jan Kulik Violin 1/2 | $350 $300 $700 $395 $1295 $400 $175 $500 $400 $800 $650 $400 $500 $1750 $500 |
Fretted Strings | |
Conn Acoustic Guitar Dulcimer Handmade from kit Tama Acoustic Guitar 4/4 Tacoma Olympia Electric Acoustic Bass Guitar w/bag Yamaha FG720S Guitar w/ hard case | $200 $150 $300 $575 $350 |
Takamine GS330S 4/4 Guitar Yamaha FS700S Guitar Boulder Creek Acoustic/Electric 4/4 Guitar Alvarez 12-String Guitar Kremona Soloist Classical Guitar 1/2 Stagg Bass Guitar Left-handed Fender Acoustic Guitar Left-handed Yamaha FS800 Guitar | $300 $150 $800 $395 $375 $250 $275 $200 |
Mapex Drum Kit Fobes Blackwood 64mm Bb Clarinet Barrel **Fits Buffet, Yamaha (not CSG), LeBlanc, Selmer 10G&earlier | $295 $150 |
SKB Alto Saxophone Case | $75 |
Yamaha PSR520 Keyboard Djembe Drum Yamaha DX100 Synthesizer Herwiga-Chor Tenor Recorder Moeck 121 Soprano Recorder | $300 $250 $350 $150 $100 |